Monday, February 22, 2010

"Human flesh tastes like pork"

I think Victoria Reynolds is fabulous.

These paintings, along with reading the book, "Interview with a Cannibal" have inspired a new concept and idea for me.

I'd like to explore the idea that humans are meat. Armin Meiwes ate his lover, Bernd Brandes, with green pepper sauce, brussel sprouts and a glass of red wine. So, aren't we all just a combination of cuts of meat, just like cows and pigs?

I'm going to explore the way that different cuts of meat mirror different parts of the human body, in hopes of diminishing the separation that most people strive to build between themselves and our four legged friends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Day There Was No News.

This video is very intriguing.

I think that the human fascination with tragedy is remarkable.  People, myself included, have an odd pull to the horrific human tragedies that happen everyday.  The news is completely polluted with dead children and school shootings.. and that's because it's what people want to see.  It's horrifying.

The past week was really telling.  The Olympic luger that lost his life... while the story is heartbreaking, is it not completely appalling that people wanted to watch the video?  Isn't it disgusting that thousands of people posted it on YouTube?  A man died.  And people wanted to watch.  

I understand the human fascination with morbidity and mortality.. I have it myself and my paintings tend to drift in that direction, but at what point are we becoming completely de-sensitized?

I hope for a day without news, at least the news that we've become accustomed to.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


1.causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating. a state of discomfort; uneasy; conscious of stress or strain.

2. awkward, nervous, discomfited, strained.

This is the goal.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Intro blog...

This is my very first blog...
Not much to report.
Will start posting thoughts on a series of hammer paintings soon....