Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my web portfolio!

my website is up!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

stop animation..

I've had several ideas for a stop animation video.. but it seems that they've all been done and overdone before...

I would do a kind of flip book with my own personal drawings, but that might take 3 years and I still wouldn't be satisfied with the work... I'm too much of a perfectionist for that.

I wanted to make my wooden drawing model dance, but 8 million people have already done that, and I'd like to at least attempt for some originality..

My brother skateboards, so I thought I could use that in some fashion, but my photography skills are probably not that great...

So I think I've landed on some kind of feet dancing video... Pictures from the floor level of feet dancing.. I could speed it up to make it funny or slow it down to make it awkward.... Will post when I have something final.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

check check check

oh so much stuff to do!!

creativity class stuff: posting: done
-flickr posting: done
-blog: done
-pixelgirl submission: done
-website portfolio: started, almost done
-collaboration project: started
-stop animation video: not yet started... need to come up with ideas!

senior show in two weeks! soooo much to do....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flat Stanley

In my 5th grade class, we had a Flat Stanley. We sent Flat Stanley all over the place and learned about all kinds of places. The point of Flat Stanley was to encourage literacy and learning in kids. It also encourages learning about other geographical locations.

For my distance project, I'm going to collaborate with a fashion designer in Chicago and make a kind of Flat Stanley... but out of fabric. It will combine the traditional fabrics of the rural midwest with the high fashion fabrics of big cities. One half of the doll will represent the rural and the other side will represent the urban.

I will think of it as a grown up Flat Stanley.